penny threads.
beautiful ideas. beautiful things.
12 April 2010
Just a quick note...
...I finally did a banner and bio for my Etsy Photography shop: Penny Pictures. Also, I made a new Penny Threads banner to go with it. Thought I'd share the stuff and see what you thought.



it's a moment. that's all. that one little fleeting bit of life that has something special to it. aesthetic. fun. colorful. dramatic. worthy of note. these are my notable moments.
stay a while.

I am not sure about the bio. A bit too much? I don't know.
And here's the new Penny Threads banner:


I am working on some photos of our cookout at Laura's Dad's House. It was so amazingly beautiful out there. It was a great experience all around. Can't wait to show y'all. Ciao for now...I hope all is well.

Renea Hanna
Penny Threads. (and now Penny Pictures).
Blogger Anna @ IHOD said...
it looks fantastic! how exciting! congrats!

Blogger Roots and Feathers said...
these banners are stunning, and i love the bio!!!

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