penny threads.
beautiful ideas. beautiful things.
23 February 2010
Behold a Black Forest Cake and a really cute girl!
So I finished the painting last night, the JenJen photoged it and prints of it are now available in my ETSY shop! So excited with how cute it turned out and I can't wait to do more.

Go show some LOVE.

Also, I never posted this lovely photo my good friend Laura of Violet Bella did wearing my Teal Me It's True Scarflette.

Isn't she just the cutest? I personally "HEART" her very much!

In other news, it snowed today in our little South Texas town of Bandera. And that, my friends, is a rare rare thing!
Hope all is well with you and yours.
Ciao for now.
Renea Hanna
Penny Threads.

P.S. I also have a:
add me! i LOVE new friends. :D
Blogger Roots and Feathers said...
your new painting is adorable! i love the trees. thanks for the mention! that pics matches your blog :)

Blogger Jacque said...
Aw that is such a cool painting!! I really love it!! I cannot believe you live in Bandera! I live like three hours away from there in San Angelo! It snowed here too!! Such weird weather for Texas!! Your friend Laura is so pretty!!

That painting is so cool! Love it!

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