penny threads.
beautiful ideas. beautiful things.
14 December 2009
tiny expectations, tiny inspirations, big changes.
when i first started my etsy shop i thought that maybe it would be a good way to sell things, make money on the side. i didn't expect a journey anymore than i expected to "go overboard" with the whole thing or take it too seriously. expectations are funny that way. having any is usually a mistake, a shortsighted prediction of something you really know nothing about. so here i sit having decided i should blog about this unexpected journey because it's more important than even YOU would expect.
ever wonder how one tiny decision can rock the boat and cause even the most spiritually, intuitively dead person want to find out what all the fuss is about? ever wonder how you go from having no beliefs to having concrete beliefs? ever wonder how you find yourself after you've lost yourself? maybe you haven't. i have. i've wondered and now that's what i want to do here.
i want to take my tiny inspiration to open up an etsy shop and try to sell things i create and let you watch as i turn it into something more important than any of my initial expectations. maybe i will find some things along the way. maybe i'll find myself. maybe i'll find nothing. hopefully it will be worth the while but, if it's not, at least i won't be any more for the worse than i already have been.
so here's the deal: everyday i will find at least ONE thing that inspires me, or that makes me believe something and i will share it here along with the results of said inspiration or belief. my idea is that if i am actively looking for these things, i will find them. and maybe, just maybe, i will return to some of those things that made me fall in love with life and find some new ones along the way. *sigh* here we go.

inspiration #1: the sunlight.


i never fully appreciate the warmth and vibrancy that the sun provides until we've had a stint of thunderstorms or cloudy, cold days. mind you, i will complain about it come summertime, but for now, this winter, i'm listing it as my first inspiration. seeing it streaming through the leaves of a tree always inspires me to be bold with my color usage. sunlight has a way of illuminating color and making it sparkle in a vibrancy i could only hint at and so i want THAT vibrancy and color in my artwork and in my threadwork. the sunlight also gives me energy again and i think i'm going to be needing a lot of that in the coming weeks, months, years. it' comforting to know that it's only momentary clouds that keep me from the sunlight and they have to clear eventually. hopefully my head will follow suit.
ciao for now.
renea hanna.
"this little heart of mine is stitched together with penny threads."
currently listening to: lisa mitchell - neopolitan dreams
Blogger Roots and Feathers said...
first off, i am so glad to see you on here. and it looks like i am going to be seeing ALOT more of you, which I am sooooooo thrilled about. It is definately a journey, just by watching me you have seen that! I hope that these little bits of inspiration you find along the way turn into one huge burning ball of fire!

you are one of the most talented, soulful girls i know. to me, no matter how you see yourself, i see you as something beautiful, something true, something intricate, and something worthwhile.

i cannot wait to see all that unfolds along this journey my friend.

Blogger penny threads. said...
thank you laura! i'm's a big commitment...but i never stick to anything. this is a way of proving to myself that i can complete something...and hopefully along the way i will find the beginnings to many wonderful things to finish down the road. much love girlie and thank you for always being there. :D you're my biggest fan and i thank you for that!

Blogger Jacque said...
What an amazing idea! I think striving to find inspiration in your life is an incredibly awesome idea! I am a big fan of sunlight and think it is something a lot of people take for granted. I just discovered your blog and love it!!

Blogger penny threads. said...
thank you jacque! maybe you too will let the little inspirations turn into big things? glad you stopped by! :D

Blogger A Wanderers Soul said...
Hello! I found your blog through Violet Bella's blog. Congratulations on starting your etsy store, it looks wonderful! Thank you for sharing your thoughts, they are inspirational and insightful... I definitely agree that something so small can make big changes personally and can stabilize your thoughts and beliefs one way or the other, a time for personal growth! I started my shop three months ago so I can relate to your journey :) The work does pay off, it is so rewarding! Became a follower of your blog, can't wait to read more about you and your ideas!


Blogger penny threads. said...
thank you betsy! i am glad to see another fellow "newbie" to etsy. it has been great and i'm excited that you'll be reading and look forward to your journey as well! oh yeah, and that's a great first completed sewing project on your blog. i'm off to comment. ciao for now!

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