penny threads.
beautiful ideas. beautiful things.
15 December 2009
gone townie for the day.
today was considerably colder than the past few days have been and when i woke i wanted nothing more than to stay curled up in bed next to my sweetie...snug as a bug. but this past week i wore my new black licorice scarflette to the wine bar where i moonlight sometimes and sold two of them right off the bat. so i had work to do, not to mention work on my first hand-stitched purse which is going to be constructed out of a pair of polyester trousers in a rich gray with a blue flowered cotton lining. i have always admired the upcycled beauties many others produce on etsy and this is my first go at it. so even though the warmth of my bed called, i got straight to work. both custom scarflettes were finished along with much progress on the purse. it felt good to be productive but i could only stay cooped up for so long.
i decided to drag the boy along for a trip to town and this leads me to my inspiration of the day:
inspiration #2: coffee.


i LOVE coffee in ALL of its forms. straight black, espresso, french pressed, latte, cappuccino, etc. i really wanted the seasonal eggnog latte from the local coffeeshop, so we went. he brought a book and i brought my crochet needle and yarn. it was bliss. you give me some form of piping hot coffee (with a straw, which helps keep your teeth from staining and keeps my clutzy self from spilling it) and i am a happy patron, camper, woman...just HAPPY! and it's not just the taste as i'm sure any other coffee lover can attest to, it's the smell! if i can't have the coffee at least let me take a big whiff and immediately my pupils widen, my brain clicks and i am instantaneously energized! i do not want to think of what a world without this scrumptious beverage would be like. i will not think of it. that would make me sad. so today, i smile for coffee and great company, whether it be your love, your pet or a good book or morning paper. smile with me and have a cup o' joe.
AND while you're at it, check out violet bella's new giveaway (<----click the aforementioned link)! there are some beautiful items up for grabs, don't let it pass you by!

ciao for now.
renea hanna.
"this little heart of mine is stitched together with penny threads."
currently listening to: johnny flynn - the box
Blogger Roots and Feathers said...
mmmm, as i sit and drink my morning coffee and read this post, i must say, coffee is definatly one of my true indulgences. and i must agree, that the smell alone is the key. the taste is wonderful, but the smell is heaven! what a fun inspiration. i am so glad to hear of your progress of completing your custom scarves! are they the exact same as the one on your site? oh, i cant wait to see the black one your were working on at the coffee shop, did i spy one of those amazing black beads with the red hearts from that one shop???

love you girl!

Blogger A Wanderers Soul said...
Bravo to you for getting custom orders done! I have been procrastinating this custom order for a friend, 8 wristlets, but my hands ache when I knit so it's a slow go!
Thanks for the coffee inspiration! I was reading it as I was drinking my coffee and you've inspired me to go write a blog post about camping and coffee, my ultimate favorite time :)
Hey I just saw a link to my blog, thanks so much!! I posted your link on my blog as well :) Hope you have a great day

Blogger penny threads. said...
thank you for the comments! i knew i would easily find fellow coffee lovers. :D
violet bella: the scarflettes are the same as the one on my site only one is the white with a red ribbon and the other is black with a red ribbon. i am making another black one for a trade of craft goodies with shelley. yay!
o bella naturals: oooo! i can't wait to read what you write about coffee and camping. :D and i know what you mean about hands seems to worsen in the cold weather eh? and thank you for sporting one of my buttons! that means a lot.

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