penny threads.
beautiful ideas. beautiful things.
28 December 2009
in vino veritas.
i'm back to work at my day job tomorrow so i have been busy the past two days doing some much needed deep cleaning and organization. i got three new items up on my etsy also! go check it out. today will be spent finishing up some organizing and gifts that i didn't finish in time for christmas *sigh*. then i will be working on some illustrations and hopefully have some up by the end of this week. here's a peek at what i added this week:

i LOVE working with stain and wooden items, so i am really excited to be able to put up my keepsake boxes! i think they're just adorable. i have many more ideas with those and different sizes and shapes so keep your eyes out for more of those.

as for my inspiration for today...

inspiration #6: wine.

a great many things have been said about wine since the beginning of time. i have said a great many things bout wine as well. i LOVE wine! and i do believe the latin saying, that is my title of today's bog, in vino veritas = in wine there is truth. maybe not always the truth you want to be telling, but then that all depends on the amount of wine you've ingested.

wine is the perfect end to a crazy day at work, the perfect addition to great company and great conversation, the finishing touch to a hot bath with a good book. i have had wine in just about any situation, except for in a box with a fox, though i'm pretty sure i've had one in a house with a mouse. saw him scurry along the wall as i took a sip of my usual cabernet the other day.

when i first started to drink wine, i would just snag some of my mother's boxed sunset blush wine. (don't cringe, i still drink it sometimes) then i began to buy my own starting out with a sangria, the one in the pretty green bottle with the orange label and it's shaped like a triangle. i can't think of the name right now, but that stuff was pretty decent. then i found a true love, cabernet sauvignon. now it is not always my wine of choice, but it is my faithful steed. the one that i turn to when i don't know what i want. it is always there.

then last year, on july fourth weekend, a wine bar opened up in our tiny little cowboy town. totally unheard of! but i HAD to go! so with a good book in hand and a notebook for doodling, i made my way over to mulberry's wine and cheese bar. (they also have a facebook) the rest is history. quite literally in fact. that's where i met my boyfriend of over a year, he is the panini chef there, and that's where i occassionally moonlight as a barwench. hehe. j/k about the wench thing. o_o i also doodle up their chalkboard, which changes quite often depending on the seasons and if it gets left out in the rain. ha! if you check out their facebook you can see the big yellow sign i painted for them.

once the wine bar moved in, i was lost to wine forever. sandra, the owner, knows her stuff and has since helped educate me on many different wines. i am no afficianado but i can tell you why i like what i like and why i don't like some. and as far as wine knowledge goes...well, that's good enough for me.
some of my personl faves are:
graves de vayres - white bordeaux
la linda - torrontes (also a white)
au - cabernet sauvignon (from australia)
knick knack paddy whack - a meritage of several different red wines

and those are just a few. the wines by the glass change weekly there so i am always getting to drink different kinds and try new ones. LOVE it!

yummy wine!

i have a long way yet to go on my wine journey, i am sure. and i am also sure that my tastes will change over the years, but for now i'm just enjoying the wonderful array of tastes that come from this one tiny fruit: the grape. i'd LOVE to hear what kinds of wine you like and hear some suggestions as to why i should try some of them! leave a comment and share your wine wealth.
ciao for now.
renea hanna.
"this little heart of mine is stitched together with penny threads."
currently listening to: modest mouse - this is a long drive for someone with nothing to think about (album)

Blogger A Wanderers Soul said...
Renea - I love the new additions to your shop! You are very convincing in your description of your scarflette... for some reason, I just need it :) And your dreads are so cute, I have always wanted dreads! You've got pretty kickass photos also.
I have also hearted the keepsake box because when I get some spare dollars I'm pretty sure I have the perfect place for it. I really like how you've stained the wood, it's exactly my taste.

Interesting thoughts on wine, I think I may pick some up next time I'm at the store and give it a try, I've tried a few, and tend to like white more than red but never really found one I really enjoy.... that may be because I was buying the cheap stuff!

Hey, I saw you entered my giveaway, thanks so much, it means a lot to me!

Hope you have a good week!

Blogger Roots and Feathers said...
now i am missing our wine dates :) that la linda gets me in trouble! and cab sav is my fav as well. but just like betsy said, i always buy something in the 10 dollar or under range if i buy wine.

it is my turn to be sick. hopefully it will turn its butt around before it gets worse.

love you.

Blogger penny threads. said...
betsy: thank you so much! your comment was so kind and thoughtful! i am super-excited that you enjoy my shop! i am still learning the whole etsy thing but it has been wonderful so far. and my dreads are about eight months old now. hehe. they grow on me.
i would love to give you some economical choices on wine if you tell me what in particular you enjoy about the whites- sweet and fruity, floral, dry etc. yay!
laura: we must have some wine together soon. i have discovered this delicious little white bordeaux that kicked the socks off of the torrontes. i have a feeling you will agree, or if you want we can down a bottle of the torrontes together...that's only 2 glasses a piece you know. ;D i REALLY hope you get to feeling better. o.j. hot totties (sp?) and lots of dayquil/nyquil helped me through it. <3 ya!

so beautiful! and wine is my freaking favorite thing in this whole world.

Blogger penny threads. said...
chelsea: well if we were near eachother i would say let's go drink some wine! :D thanks for the comment.

Blogger Jacque said...
I really love this post! I don't drink, but I really love how simple pleasure in our lives can be so inspiring if they are appreciated!

Blogger xoxoKrysten said...
I really love your shop!

Blogger Roots and Feathers said...
where are you my dear friend???

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